Guide for the abstract


PresenterFirstName PresenterLastName1, Contributing authors2

1Department of XXX, PresenterInstitutionName, StreetAddress, City, State ZIPCODE

2Department of XXX, ContributingInstitutionName, StreetAddress, City, State ZIPCODE


            The text of the abstract goes in this section.  Please use 12-point Times New Roman font.  Each paragraph is indented with a tab. There is a 300-word maximum for the body of the abstract. The entire abstract should fit on one page with 2,5 cm margins on all four sides. The presenting author’s name should be underlined. The presenting author should be first author. Affiliations should be included for all authors/coauthors and noted using superscript numbers.

Abstracts that do not following this format, specifically the word count limit or formatting of the authors’ names and affiliations, will be returned for rewriting. The suggested content includes background, the research question, approach and experiments and conclusion. The abstract generally does not include figures or the data that you will put in the poster. Please check your spelling and grammar.

The submission deadline for abstracts is on the AGRIMBA-AVA Congress website. This template’s word count is 300 words not including the title or notations below.



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